Sunday fever
la Gusana Ciega


I wait in my bedroom,

for everyone to fall asleep.

I make for the door,

I take my chances with the geek.

Outside it is raining,

freedom static from the trees.

I?m feeling o.k.,

I know she?s waiting there for me.

Forgot it?s her birthday,

She?s angry cause I?m very late.

I buy her a drink,

I?m chasing colors in her hair.

I wish she was someone,

then I really just don?t care.

The name of the song,

It?s not the same for every one.

I?m a neo-retro-styler,

spending sundays with my mother,

I wish I was Steven Tyler...

this is who I am.

I?m a little moody sometimes,

act a little funny sometimes,

I wish I was mellow yellow...

this is who I am.

Dad?s reading the paper,

Mother?s seating by the phone,

they look at each other,

wonder when I?m coming home.

But I?m not in the mood,

spreading sunday fever,

I want to get hi,

and spend the summer in the sky.

Letra a?adida por: Dynamo (#11.335)


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