How ()blithe was ()I each ()morn to ()see
My lass come ()o er the ()hill
()She skipped the ()burn and she ()ran tae ()me
()I met her wiâ good ()will.
()O the ()broom, the ()bonnie, bonnie ()broom
The broom oâ the ()Cowden()knowes
()Fain would I ()be in my ()ain coun()try
()Herding her father s ()ewes
Repeat Intro
Hard ()fate that ()I should ()banished ()be
Gone way o er ()hill and ()moor
Be()cause I ()loved the ()fairest ()lass
()That ever yet was ()born
Chorus + Intro
Fare()well, ye ()Cowden()knowes, fare()well
Farewell all ()pleasures ()there
()To wander ()by her ()side A()gain
()Is all I crave or ()care
Chorus 2x