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You say you want a revolution well you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it s evolution well you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don t you know that you can count me out (in?)
Don t you know it s gonna be Alright
Don t you know it s gonna be Alright
Don t you know it s gonna be Alright
(guitar Details During Verses)
(guitar 1 plays a standard rock & roll shuffle)
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You say you want a rev o lu ti on well you
know we all want to change the...
.. and so on, while Guitar 2 plays something along these lines:
You say you want a rev o lu tion well you
know we all want to change the...
(guitar 2 plays this figure during the "Chorus")
... it s gonna be alright
.. repeated a few times, and then the following turnaround:
Now, over the chords in the last verse, the lead guitar
plays a screaming figure based on this:
And over the & E chords the final time around, the lead guitar
is rapidly picking in rhythm with the words:
.. up until the climactic end.