Cor de Fundo
Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ...Garry Smythe
Please e mail any corrections to:- [email protected]
The Other Side Of The World George Formby
C Am
Now I had a notion, while crossing the ocean,
C Dm
That the world was anything but small.
G7 C Am
But when I landed here, it was soon very clear,
G D7 G7
That itâs not so big after all,
C Am
Cos thereâs your own kith and kin there to welcome you in,
C Dm
On the other side of the world,
Dm G7
Thereâs the same kindly folk, who crack the same kind of joke,
On the other side of the world
G7 C C7 F
And if you go for a stroll youâll see a flag on the pole,
D7 G7
And meet the people who kept it un - furled
C G7 C E7 A7
And when a couples honey âdoving itâs the same old kind of loving,
D7 G7 C G
On the other side of the world
C Am
Though weâre miles from our shore itâs like living next door,
C Dm
On the other side of the world,
Weâve the same kind of names and play the same kind of games,
On the other side of the world
G7 C C7 F
And when the trouble is thick, like glue to - gether weâll stick,
D7 G7
And weâll keep the old banner unfurled
C G7 C E7 A7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
D7 G7 C
From the other side of the world
(First 4 lines are as verse 2, last 2 lines are as 1st 2 lines in bridge)
C Am
C Dm
Dm G7
G7 C
G7 C C7 F
D7 G7
OUTRO (last 2 lines of bridge)
C G7 C E7 A7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
D7 G7 C G C
From the other side of the world
Alternative âFarewellâ Chorus
Iâm going back home next week way over the foam, to the other side of the world,
Such nice people Iâve met I shall leave with regret, for the other side of the world,
And though the rations are short, but all the food that youâve brought, have helped to
keep the old banner unfurled,
So to you my thanks Iâm tending for the parcels youâve been sending, to the other side
of the world
D Bm
Now I had a notion, while crossing the ocean,
D Em
That the world was anything but small.
A7 D Bm
But when I landed here, it was soon very clear,
A E7 A7
That itâs not so big after all,
D Bm
Cos thereâs your own kith and kin there to welcome you in,
D Em
On the other side of the world,
Em A7
Thereâs the same kindly folk, who crack the same kind of joke,
On the other side of the world
A7 D D7 G
And if you go for a stroll youâll see a flag on the pole,
E7 A7
And meet the people who kept it un - furled
D A7 D F#7 B7
And when a couples honey âdoving itâs the same old kind of loving,
E7 A7 D A
On the other side of the world
D Bm
Though weâre miles from our shore itâs like living next door,
D Em
On the other side of the world,
Weâve the same kind of names and play the same kind of games,
On the other side of the world
A7 D D7 G
And when the trouble is thick, like glue to - gether weâll stick,
E7 A7
And weâll keep the old banner unfurled
D A7 D F#7 B7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
E7 A7 D
From the other side of the world
(First 4 lines are as verse 2, last 2 lines are as 1st 2 lines in bridge)
D Bm
D Em
Em A7
A7 D
A7 D D7 G
E7 A7
OUTRO (last 2 lines of bridge)
D A7 D F#7 B7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
E7 A7 D A D
From the other side of the world
Alternative âFarewellâ Chorus
Iâm going back home next week way over the foam, to the other side of the world,
Such nice people Iâve met I shall leave with regret, for the other side of the world,
And though the rations are short, but all the food that youâve brought, have helped to
keep the old banner unfurled,
So to you my thanks Iâm tending for the parcels youâve been sending, to the other side
of the world
E C#m
Now I had a notion, while crossing the ocean,
E F#m
That the world was anything but small.
B7 E C#m
But when I landed here, it was soon very clear,
B F#7 B7
That itâs not so big after all,
E C#m
Cos thereâs your own kith and kin there to welcome you in,
E F#m
On the other side of the world,
F#m B7
Thereâs the same kindly folk, who crack the same kind of joke,
On the other side of the world
B7 E E7 A
And if you go for a stroll youâll see a flag on the pole,
F#7 B7
And meet the people who kept it un - furled
E B7 E G#7 C#7
And when a couples honey âdoving itâs the same old kind of loving,
F#7 B7 E B
On the other side of the world
E C#m
Though weâre miles from our shore itâs like living next door,
E F#m
On the other side of the world,
Weâve the same kind of names and play the same kind of games,
On the other side of the world
B7 E E7 A
And when the trouble is thick, like glue to - gether weâll stick,
F#7 B7
And weâll keep the old banner unfurled
E B7 E G#7 C#7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
F#7 B7 E
From the other side of the world
(First 4 lines are as verse 2, last 2 lines are as 1st 2 lines in bridge)
E C#m
E F#m
F#m B7
B7 E
B7 E E7 A
F#7 B7
OUTRO (last 2 lines of bridge)
E B7 E G#7 C#7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
F#7 B7 E B E
From the other side of the world
Alternative âFarewellâ Chorus
Iâm going back home next week way over the foam, to the other side of the world,
Such nice people Iâve met I shall leave with regret, for the other side of the world,
And though the rations are short, but all the food that youâve brought, have helped to
keep the old banner unfurled,
So to you my thanks Iâm tending for the parcels youâve been sending, to the other side
of the world
F Dm
Now I had a notion, while crossing the ocean,
F Gm
That the world was anything but small.
C7 F Dm
But when I landed here, it was soon very clear,
C G7 C7
That itâs not so big after all,
F Dm
Cos thereâs your own kith and kin there to welcome you in,
F Gm
On the other side of the world,
Gm C7
Thereâs the same kindly folk, who crack the same kind of joke,
On the other side of the world
C7 F F7 Bb
And if you go for a stroll youâll see a flag on the pole,
G7 C7
And meet the people who kept it un - furled
F C7 F A7 D7
And when a couples honey âdoving itâs the same old kind of loving,
G7 C7 F C
On the other side of the world
F Dm
Though weâre miles from our shore itâs like living next door,
F Gm
On the other side of the world,
Weâve the same kind of names and play the same kind of games,
On the other side of the world
C7 F F7 Bb
And when the trouble is thick, like glue to - gether weâll stick,
G7 C7
And weâll keep the old banner unfurled
F C7 F A7 D7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
G7 C7 F
From the other side of the world
(First 4 lines are as verse 2, last 2 lines are as 1st 2 lines in bridge)
F Dm
F Gm
Gm C7
C7 F
C7 F F7 Bb
G7 C7
OUTRO (last 2 lines of bridge)
F C7 F A7 D7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
G7 C7 F C F
From the other side of the world
Alternative âFarewellâ Chorus
Iâm going back home next week way over the foam, to the other side of the world,
Such nice people Iâve met I shall leave with regret, for the other side of the world,
And though the rations are short, but all the food that youâve brought, have helped to
keep the old banner unfurled,
So to you my thanks Iâm tending for the parcels youâve been sending, to the other side
of the world
G Em
Now I had a notion, while crossing the ocean,
G Am
That the world was anything but small.
D7 G Em
But when I landed here, it was soon very clear,
D A7 D7
That itâs not so big after all,
G Em
Cos thereâs your own kith and kin there to welcome you in,
G Am
On the other side of the world,
Am D7
Thereâs the same kindly folk, who crack the same kind of joke,
On the other side of the world
D7 G G7 C
And if you go for a stroll youâll see a flag on the pole,
A7 D7
And meet the people who kept it un - furled
G D7 G B7 E7
And when a couples honey âdoving itâs the same old kind of loving,
A7 D7 G D
On the other side of the world
G Em
Though weâre miles from our shore itâs like living next door,
G Am
On the other side of the world,
Weâve the same kind of names and play the same kind of games,
On the other side of the world
D7 G G7 C
And when the trouble is thick, like glue to - gether weâll stick,
A7 D7
And weâll keep the old banner unfurled
G D7 G B7 E7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
A7 D7 G
From the other side of the world
(First 4 lines are as verse 2, last 2 lines are as 1st 2 lines in bridge)
G Em
G Am
Am D7
D7 G
D7 G G7 C
A7 D7
OUTRO (last 2 lines of bridge)
G D7 G B7 E7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
A7 D7 G D G
From the other side of the world
Alternative âFarewellâ Chorus
Iâm going back home next week way over the foam, to the other side of the world,
Such nice people Iâve met I shall leave with regret, for the other side of the world,
And though the rations are short, but all the food that youâve brought, have helped to
keep the old banner unfurled,
So to you my thanks Iâm tending for the parcels youâve been sending, to the other side
of the world
A F#m
Now I had a notion, while crossing the ocean,
A Bm
That the world was anything but small.
E7 A F#m
But when I landed here, it was soon very clear,
E B7 E7
That itâs not so big after all,
A F#m
Cos thereâs your own kith and kin there to welcome you in,
A Bm
On the other side of the world,
Bm E7
Thereâs the same kindly folk, who crack the same kind of joke,
On the other side of the world
E7 A A7 D
And if you go for a stroll youâll see a flag on the pole,
B7 E7
And meet the people who kept it un - furled
A E7 A C#7 F#7
And when a couples honey âdoving itâs the same old kind of loving,
B7 E7 A E
On the other side of the world
A F#m
Though weâre miles from our shore itâs like living next door,
A Bm
On the other side of the world,
Weâve the same kind of names and play the same kind of games,
On the other side of the world
E7 A A7 D
And when the trouble is thick, like glue to - gether weâll stick,
B7 E7
And weâll keep the old banner unfurled
A E7 A C#7 F#7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
B7 E7 A
From the other side of the world
(First 4 lines are as verse 2, last 2 lines are as 1st 2 lines in bridge)
A F#m
A Bm
Bm E7
E7 A
E7 A A7 D
B7 E7
OUTRO (last 2 lines of bridge)
A E7 A C#7 F#7
So itâs a very happy meeting and I bring a special greeting,
B7 E7 A E A
From the other side of the world
Alternative âFarewellâ Chorus
Iâm going back home next week way over the foam, to the other side of the world,
Such nice people Iâve met I shall leave with regret, for the other side of the world,
And though the rations are short, but all the food that youâve brought, have helped to
keep the old banner unfurled,
So to you my thanks Iâm tending for the parcels youâve been sending, to the other side
of the world
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