Cor de Fundo
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Recommended: Also available:
Bm - 7-(b9)(b9)7-7-7 2-2-4-4-3-2- |
A - 5-7-7-6-5-5 0-0-2-2-2-0- |
G - 3-5-5-4-3-3 3-2-0-0-0-3- |
F#m - 2-4-4-2-2-2---------------- |
Em - 0-2-2-0-0-0 7-7-(b9)(b9)8-7- |
At the begining:
Bm / A / Bm / A
And add some stuff when on the A's (with another guitar or just add it with
some hands work), so it would be like this:
Bm ... A
e -- | -7------ | -5----7-7-5---7-7-5-- |
b -- | -7------ | -5----7-7-5---7-7-5-- |
g -- | -7------ | -6------------------- |
d -- | -(b9)----- | -7------------------- |
a -- | -(b9)----- | -7------------------- |
e -- | -7------ | -5------------------- |![]()
The song goes like this:
Bm A
All men are born equal at the moment they arrive...
Bm A
Check the limbs and senses we require to survive.
But some come deaf and dumb and blinded,
some have damage to their brains:
parents constantly reminded
F#m Em
that they'll never play the normal children's games.
They may not be normal,
but they're people just the same.
{The same goes for the rest of the song}
If Christ had been born defective to fulfil the Father's plan
would he be as easily accepted as God made man
or does the human value alter
in the crippled human frame?
Though the tongue and fingers falter
must we shut them out and shut them up,
and shut the case and whisper 'such a shame...'
That's how we shut them away.
{Repeat the sequence - Instrumental only}
Most of us are lucky, free from accidents at birth
but their victims share our right to the inheritance of earth.
For all their grunts, their stumps,
their tumours, their eternal wheelchairs,
we're the freaks, we're the inhumans,
if we close our eyes and turn aside, pretend
that if we do they'll not be there....
They've got to face it, so we've got to face it.
Still they've got to live with it
in a worlds we supposedly share.
The end is a bit obscure to me. I am not very sure about all the chords, this
is only general and there may be some 7M or 4 everywhere, I never had time
to check it.
Have fun (with such a song?)
TOP 20: As mais tocadas de Peter Hammill
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