King Of Everything
Anarchy Club


I am the king of everything
and I do as I please
I walk on clouds before the crowds
and bring them to their knees
A child of Heaven and of Earth
The one and only son
My staff in hand I rule the land
I've only just begun

I'm walking on the sky For all to see
I know the secret of eternity
Make all the devils cry and angels sing
Because I am the king of everything

Bring on your armies and your gods
I'll kill them one by one
It's all a game and just the same
I'm only having fun
Behind a water curtain
sitting on my mighty throne
a child of Heaven and of Earth
The great sage born of stone

I'm walking on the sky For all to see
I know the secret of eternity
Make all the devils cry and angels sing
Because I am the king of everything

The lord of all that I survey
I walk the road, but not the Way
I'll tear the sky and mountains down
My only weakness is my crown

I am the king of everything
As strong as I am proud
With staff in hand I rule the land
atop a mighty cloud
I am divine, revealed in time
Immortal and eternal
The wrath of God, they all applaud
my fire-eyed inferno

I'm walking on the sky For all to see
I know the secret of eternity
Make all the devils cry and angels sing
Because I am the king of everything


quiero los tonos la do re no sifrado

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