David Allen Coe
little Brother Trucker
Little brother trucker is a mean motherer and He don t take no shit!
Him and that kmart tire iron stand about ten foot six.
He kick alot of tire,kick alot on ass put a lot of miles on the road.
little brother trucker ain t never been whipped, so the story goes.
late one night on seventy five he had to take a piss.
He rolled his rig in a pickle park and the story goes like this
Got down from the cab someone made a grab right between his knees.
Tryed to rip the riches from the crotch of his britches Was a big old freeway queen
little brother truck is mean and he don t take no shit!
But the queen had a hold of the family gold and would t let go of it.
The big queen said i m gonna give ya head and you d better not struggle or fight.
Or i ll bend ya over and pull you up like rover and will be here all night.
Little brother is a mean motherer and he don t take on shit!
Grabbed the queen by the nut put a boot in guts and gave a great big rip.
The queen let go and brother kicked him low layed that bar in his head.
When i left the scene that freeway queen looked almost dead.
Chorus x2