Working Man

Álbum: Papyrus ( 1999)
Mudar para Português

Hey, working man
Such as your job
Has been taking you
Your bills are consuming your money
For the costs you incured

Hey, working man
Your children are waiting
For food everyday
Every corner you have descendance
Adopted for love

Hey, working man
Come and go and if you're trying
To be a sharing man
With just a little and bestow

Tell me the reason, show me no lies
Tell me the reason why

Hey, working man
You're humbling yourself
With the truth of the love
World wide starvation
Is your burden and cost you incured

Hey, little man, amazing behavior
You have to show it
I think that it is really
Concerning to the Lord's power

Hey, honest man
To live at the expense of nobody
You want to be a sharing man
With just a little and bestow

Tell me the reason, show me no lies
Tell me the reason why

Hey, working man
Come and go and if you're trying
To be a sharing man
With just a little and bestow

Tell me the reason, show me no lies
Tell me the reason why


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