Fyfe Dangerfield

Álbum: Fly Yellow Moon ( 2010)

When love is a crippled dream
When love is a crippled dream
That's where you'll find me
Saying I'm not afraid

And when love is a barricade
When love is a barricade
That's where I'll find you
Saying we're already made

I want to be near you all day
I want to be near you all day
I want to be near you all day
Don't go away

When love is a howling face
Trapped in a hollow place
I won't surrender
or give you up

So don't put up these barricades
We don't need barricades
We have each other
And that won't fade

I want to be near you all day
I want to be near you all day
I want to be near you all day
Don't go away

To the dark, to the smoke
To those downstairs
No fares

I want to be near you all day
I want to be near you all day


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