My Life Is The Master
Irmão Lázaro


My life is the máster

My heart if of my máster

My way is the máster

My hope is the master

Ó lord

I delivered to god

The boat of my being

And I entred long in the sea

I navigated far away

I don t see the quay any more

Only god and me now

My life is the máster

My heart if of my máster

My way is the máster

My hope is the master

Ó lord

In the loneliness of work

I could understand

How much GOD loves me

The big waves come

Traying to draw me

Far away from his presence

Ó lord

My life is the máster

My heart if of my máster

My way is the máster

My hope is the master

Ó lord

Xxx xx Guitar solo xxxxxxx.

In the loneliness of work

I could understand

How much GOD loves me


The big waves come

Traying to draw me

Far away from his presence

My life is the máster

My heart if of my máster

My way is the máster

My hope is the master

Come with me {Speking}


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