Party girl (love you to death)
Kevin Johansen

Capo 2

Some say the end is near

But it´s just one more year

Living in mortal fear

Will all disappear

Well I’d just like to say
Since no one’s here to stay

Before I loose my breath

I love you to death

She’s just a party girl

So my friends say

So don’t fall in love with her

She’ll just ruin your day.

But I already fell
And if I live to tell

Before I loose my breath

I love you to death

‘Cause I really think the world of her

But she doesn’t care about a thing

She just keeps on partying

Yeah I really think the world of her

But she doesn’t notice anything

She just keeps on partying, partying

She’s just a party girl

So my friends say

So don’t fall in love with her

She’ll just blow you away.

But I already blew
So when I’m done and threw

Before I loose my breath

I love you to death


And I’d just like to say
Since no one’s here to stay

I love you to death

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