Growing On You
The Story So Far


Not as simple as I wanted it to be
Now I gotta say all the things that are bothering me
Am I sure of my place or do I wanna get away for a week
Do you really wanna live your life
Or keep cleaning the bile off your sink

I am a blade in a lawn that's new
Covered in dew
Waiting on you
I need no shade I'm tried and true
But I'm lonely like you
I'm growing on you

Hold me close now I can't feel my face
I keep mixing up red I'm all over the place
Are you leaving me now for the high that you chase
And will it be worth it when that's all that you taste

I am a blade in a lawn that's new
Covered in dew
Waiting on you
I need no shade I'm tried and true
But I'm lonely like you
I'm growing on you

I am a blade in a lawn that's new
Covered in dew
Waiting on you
I need no shade I'm tried and true
But I'm lonely like you
I'm growing on you


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