A Little Bit Better - WARM GUN
I have taken all that I can take
And you re making me now run away
But I can t seem to go
And you say the words I say to you
Could be written in a comic book
But I never say what I mean
Cos that stroke on your gravestone is your life
And life ain t that long
So you gotta try to make things better
And that joke that I told you was for real
And you say that it showed you
Now you can see a little bit better
When I see the world on its merry spin
Then I know love comes from within.
- -
Then I am sober again
Cos that stroke on your gravestone is your life
And your life ain t that long
So you gotta try to make things better
And that joke that I told you was for real
And you say that it showed you
Now you can see a little bit better
Words and Music by Liam Duggan and Richard Mc Sorley