Cor de Fundo
Sophie's breasts
Transcription par Jelloul ([email protected])
Note: sorry if there are some mistakes with the lyrics :O)
This song is an unreleased one, you have to go on www.montreuxjazz.com
and watch the concert to hear it... it's the fourth one.
He hit the strings with his thumb and hit the guitar with the otehr fingers.
Chords: he uses strange chords,but it's simply A and G,and then F# G G# A .
A:577655 G:355433
F#:244322 G#:466544
Intro: A G F# G G# A
Lyrics: idem
miss fredricks miss Camble miss plades and an angel
i took all my decisions and left
keziah's pyjamas get friskee with the slammers
tried to hide up whole Sophie's breasts
oh baby tell me what you say
oh sophie is your picture for sale
talk about Sophie's breasts hey hey hey hey hey hey
sing about Sophie's breasts aw aw aw aw aw
we never remember any day of september
because get some fretch all the rest
So Sarah and i figure let the sky
we do sales at Sophie's breasts
oh baby tell me what you say ah ah
oh sophie is your pictures for sale
talk about ssophie's breasts heyhey hey hey hey
sing about Sophie's breasts ah ah ah ah ah ah
to gain some plain about funking with the rain
i put my theory to the test
he said lalalala i'm impressed
lalalala they're the best
talk about Sophie's breasts heyhey
sing about Sophie's breasts ah ah ah
talk about ssophie's breasts heyhey
sing about Sophie's breasts ah ah ah
talk about ssophie's breasts hey hey hey hey hey
sing about Sophie's breasts ah ah ah
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