Cor de Fundo
THE GOOD FIGHT - Dashboard Confesional
Tabbed by:Ruben DeLaHuerta
Email:[email protected]
Tuning: down half step (Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb)
this song is realy easy once you get the rythm (listen to the song . . .
you'll get it)it's mostly basic chords except for the little solo part, well, here it is . . .
chords used in this song:
E F#m C#m A B
E F#m C#m A(bar)
Consider the odds, consider the obvious, the martyr is meaningless,
E F#m C#m
the campaign has died. In the planning stages and the fallen faces,
A(bar) E
are the singular proof that it was ever alive.
F#m C#m A(bar)
This purchased rebellion has been outdated, denounced and rescinded
E F#m C#m A
and left to die, championless, championless, championless
E B A(bar mute G) A(bar mute G)
I begged you not to go, I begged you, I pleaded.
E B A(bar mute G) A(bar mute G)
Claimed you as my only hope, and watched the floor as you retreated.
E B A(bar mute G) A(bar mute G) E
I begged you not to go, I begged you, I pleaded.
E B A(bar mute G) A(bar mute G)
Claimed you as my only hope, and watched the floor as you retreated.
E F#m C#m A
Hope has sprung a perfect dive, a perfect day, a perfect lie
E F#m C#m A
A slowly crafted monologue conceding your defeat.
E F#m C#m A
This purchased rebellion has been outdated, denounced and rescinded
E F#m C#m A
and left to die, championless, championless, championless
E B A(bar mute G) A(bar mute G)
I begged you not to go, I begged you, I pleaded.
E B A(bar mute G) A(bar mute G)
Claimed you as my only hope, and watched the floor as you retreated.
E B A(bar mute G) A(bar mute G) E
I begged you not to go, I begged you, I pleaded.
E B A(bar mute G) A(bar mute G)
Claimed you as my only hope, and watched the floor as you retreated.
E F#m C#m A
Does it comfort you to know you fought the good fight?
E F#m C#m A
Basking in your victory, hollow and alone
E F#m C#m A
to boast your bitter bragging rights to anyone who'll listen
E F#m C#m A
While you're left with nothing tangible to gain
E F#m C#m A
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| H hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
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